Wednesday, May 1, 2013


In this article, I will touch a little known topic. Noioare know what happens inside us when ... we grumble? Stimnoi what effect has on us bitching others? I think not. Altfelnu we complain and we cry.

To take the start, I'll try to define aceastastare. Whining is a negative emotional state that includes When choosing us remember all our troubles. Whether noiexteriorizam troubles, or they internalized emotional state creatade them is harmful.

For example we have an / a friend / whose / whom goes wrong. When ilintrebam / o wondering what makes them go well, he / she begins to nespuna. Even trying to teach us to do the same but we start SIII say, "Sure, you go right, you have time to do this thing dareu do not have time, I do not I can afford to do what you do, I do Ambani, I have options, do not get me one, I tough problems, if you you have any points you would not go so well, you're lucky, I Nuami your luck. "

And so we continue to expose problems without being aware that lafurtuna emotional triggers. Overwhelmed by these emotions, we do not realize that narrows our blood vessels, increase blood capresiunea as breathing becomes very shallow sirezultatul is a physical-psychic-energy deregulation of the entire nostruorganism. Organs and glands begin to be stressed, secret substantedin increasingly weaker, which leads to impaired physical-chemical proceselorbio are coordinated by our subconscious.

And all this leads to a wrong multiplication of cells in scadereaimunitatii and adaptability to disease and premature aimbatranirii. Of course this process unfolds in time operioada longer or shorter, but when we omitted a habit of whining we certainly will be the result, there are no exceptions.

Scientists have noticed this. In America they did unexperiment. A subject was attached to an oxygen mask to breath secolecta during some extremely negative emotional experiences deintense. This steam was then passed through a laboratory facility, which condensed, transforming it into a liquid that had culoareacenusie. Well this fluid was administered to chickens, and he died within minutes.

Scientists conclusion was that our negative emotions undone to produce real poisons to us alone, and we manage and generosity of others, whether or not we suntapropiati.

Of course experiments were done to show us positive influentaemotiilor the body. In one of such Chia experimentemaestrul simply amazed researchers. In timpulpracticarii "Inner Smile" and other techniques for cultivating positive emotions, all parameters were followed by researchers aumodificat positively and work fostechilibrata cerebral hemispheres.

Psychologists (especially the West) began creating deterapie techniques that people heal themselves. That appeared psihoterapiaprin laughter. People are taught that a smile is more than heavy zecevorbe. And again back to smile. If people understand is the power Smiles catde would use it more often. Using Desar him get a good physical health, and emotional balance and psihiccare would help them cope with everyday situations.

Here I would like to paraphrase Norman Vincent Peale, a positive algandirii coryphaeus. He said that "only dead people have no problems." CAA when you have problems and enjoy suradeti means catraiti and your problem is half solved aceastaatitudine.

As a practice, please reread the short variant of the technique taught in the article "Smile for the holidays." As Easter approaches, it does not hurt sasuradem more. Try, you have nothing to lose, you only decastigat. Success.

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